Table & Query Data Extraction from SAP System into any ODBC database Create interactively your SAP data extraction routine, call on demand or by scheduled job. All you have to do is to select the SAP system, the SAP source Table or Query / QuickView and your destination table with an ODBC driver. Optionally you can define the field mapping and SQL instructions. t3cp T3CP is like a simple ETL tool. With a few mouse clicks you can create interactively an automatic data transfer from your SAP system (eg. ERP / ECC) to any database with an ODBC driver. No programming, no customizing is required in your SAP system. Within an SAP Query (transaction SQVI or SQ01) you can define either a simple data query on one table or table join. A "join" is query with multiple related tables. T3CP is calling these queries remotely (using SAP RFC protocol) and read the data into the defined target table. In T3CP you can also set additional filter criteria, or select which table field contents are transmitted and finally stored into your database target table. Thus extracting SAP data withT3CP is straightforward. Examples: - Stock data - Order lists - Supply data - Accounts Overviews - Booking Data - Material Master Data - Customer Master Data - any Z table -. . . Data extraction jobs can be defined in the Task Scheduler - or call T3CP with paramter e.g. from a Script.